Get in touch today

Please include the type of document you need notorized. Be aware all parties involved must have a current an valid goverment issued ID. Notaries in the state of North Carolina do charge for mileage.

Full name



We can be reached via phone or text at 925-212-5707

Frequently asked questions

Can a Notary refuse to sign your document?

There are certain various reasons a notary may refuse to notarize a document. Reasons could be the signer does not appear before the notary at time of the notarization, the signer does not possess satifactory evidence of identification meaning a current valid goverment issued ID, or the notary suspects that the document is fraudulent or could be used for fraudulent perposes.

Why does it cost more than $10 for notary services?

Any notorial act is only a $10 fee in the state of North Carolina. That being said many documents require more than one verified signature and can also require an oath or affirmation. Also, as a mobile notary we do charge a fee for mileage to travel to your location or another safe location.

What type of identification do I need to have?

It is required at the time of notarization to have a valid current government issued ID, meaning drivers license or passport that is not expired and that the name on the ID matches the signature you affix to the document. It is a notaries main duty to verify your identity.